Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My First Rejection Letter

The title says it all!

Today, I receieved my first rejection letter.

Some might be devastated at their hard work being shat upon by those more fortunate; those in power; those whom we often refer to as, "The Man".

"The Man" in this case, was in fact, a woman. And though she rejected me, I very much appreciate that she took the time to either write a paragraph to me personally, or to have a personal assistant do it for her and sign her name.

I'm not bitter. It might seem that way, but c'mon, let's not lose sight of things here:

I just conned an A-List literary agent into reading the first part of my book.

Not. Too. Shabby.

1 comment:

  1. That's rad. You couldn't even con ME into reading it! Good job.
